Expanded Cinema: Film als Spektakel, Ereignis und Performance

Date: 10 September 2004 | Season: Expanded Cinema 2004 | Tags: ,

10 – 26 September 2004
Dortmund PhoenixHalle

From the 10th to the 26th of September hartware medien kunst verein in conjunction with medien_kunst_netz dortmund present the festival Expanded Cinema: Film als Spektakel, Ereignis und Performance (Expanded Cinema: Film as Spectacle, Event and Performance). The programme has been conceived by Mark Webber and is a survey of Expanded Cinema encompassing historical works from the 1960s to the present day. Many of the artist-filmmakers will appear in person and will be available for discussion with the audience after the performances.

»Expanded Cinema« is the term used to describe works that do not conform to the traditional single-screen cinema format. Expanded cinema is not a movement; it is a style of presentation that can be used for films or performances made for a wide variety of aesthetic, personal and political reasons. The only common link between them is that they do not adhere to the »standard« mode of presentation of a single, continuous film projected onto a screen in front of an audience. Projectors are often placed in the room with the audience (not hidden away in a booth at the back) and become part of the overall, participatory event.

The programme stresses the unique, ephemeral and temporal qualities of a finite film or performance that has a beginning, middle and end, and is, by its nature, a shared experience for the assembled audience. There will be no secondary documentation, re-interpretations, installations or static loops, each piece happens once only at a designated time. It presents only film-based, »living works« in their original formats, including multi-screen projections, film performances and expanded cinema events. There will be no use of video or digital technology, but the influence these works have had on the development of new media and gallery installations will be clearly evident.

10-12 September 2004
Participating Artists: Valie Export (Austria), Christian Lebrat (France), Werner Nekes, Jurgen Reble & Thomas Köner (Germany) Malcolm Le Grice, Guy Sherwin (UK), Sandra Gibson & Luis Recoder, Bruce McClure (USA). Plus Films By: Joost Rekveld (Netherlands), Gill Eatherley (UK), Morgan Fisher, Paul Sharits (USA).

17-19 September 2004
Participating Artists: Maria Klonaris & Katerina Thomadaki (Greece/France). Plus Films By: Fred Drummond, Gill Eatherley, Sally Potter, William Raban, James Scott, Chris Welsby (UK), Storm de Hirsch, Claes Oldenburg, Barbara Rubin, Carolee Schneemann, Paul Sharits, Andy Warhol (USA).

24-26 September 2004
Participating Artists: Giovanni Martedi (Italy/France), Anthony McCall (UK), Wilhelm Hein (Germany), William Raban (UK), Tony Conrad (USA). Plus Films By: Birgit Hein (Germany), Lis Rhodes (UK), Beverly Conrad (USA).

Presented by harware medien kunst verein & medien_kunst_netz dortmund
Curator: Mark Webber
Coordination & Press: Katrin Mundt
Technican: Uwe Gorski
Venue: Phoenixhalle, Hichofenstraße / Ecke Rombergstraße, Dortmund-Hörder, Germany.

In cooperation with dortmund-projet, LEG – landesentwicklungsgesellschaft NRW, KulturbĂŒro Stadt Dortmund.

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Ride the Light

Date: 11 September 2004 | Season: Expanded Cinema 2004 | Tags: ,

Saturday 11 September 2004, at 3pm
Dortmund PhoenixHalle

Recoder & Gibson, Ride the Light, 2004, c.60 min, multi-projection performance
Working individually and in collaboration as presstapes, Luis Recoder and Sandra Gibson explore the canvas of the filmstrip with the medium of light, manipulating both exposure and projection. For part of this performance, a regular power switch will be used to manually flicker, strobe, and flash forth a unique cinematic phenomenon.

Recoder & Gibson, Fourfold, 2001-04, c.7 min, 4 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Color Test, 2003, 5 min, 3 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Override, 2004, c.9 min, 2 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Ribbon, 2003, 6 min, 4 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Alignments for Linea, 2002-04, c.19 min, 2 projector performance

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Nathaniel Dorsky European Tour

Date: 13 October 2004 | Season: Nathaniel Dorsky | Tags:

13 October—15 November 2004

European Tour

As an antidote to the frenetic pace and complexity of modern life, Nathaniel Dorsky’s films invite an an audience to connect at a precious level of intimacy, nourishing the mind and spirit. With films assembled in an almost selfless way, the viewer is given the freedom to express oneself more fully, rather than be consciously absorbed in the projections of another person. ‘In these films the audience is the central character and, hopefully, the screen your best friend.’

The films are photographed, non-narrative and have none of the visual trickery we might associate with the ‘avant-garde’. Dorsky’s camera is drawn towards those transient moments of wonder that often pass unnoticed in daily life: the jewelled refraction of sunlight on water, reflections from windows and dappled shadows cast along the ground. His iridescent cinematography is arranged in carefully montaged phrases that remain entirely open to the viewer’s personal interpretation; no heavily coded meanings and subtexts are imposed through associations in the editing. The world floods through the lens, onto the screen and into our minds.

Dorsky approaches each film as though it is a song, weaving together lyrical statements in a rhythmic cadence. His work achieves a sensitive balance between humanity, nature and the ethereal, creating space for private reflection. The screenings in Autumn 2004 showcase his new film Threnody, ‘an offering to a friend who has died’, and will include readings from his recently published book Devotional Cinema (Tuumba Press, 2003).

Nathaniel Dorsky lives in San Francisco, where he makes a living as a professional ‘film doctor’, editing documentaries that often appear on American public television and the festival circuit. In 1967 he won an Emmy award for his photographic work on the CBS production Gaugin in Tahiti: Search for Paradise. He has been making personal films since 1964, and his works are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art (New York), Pacific Film Archives (Berkeley), Image Forum (Tokyo) and Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris). It is widely acknowledged that the ‘most beautiful image’ sequence – a plastic bag floating in the wind – from the Oscar winning feature American Beauty was directly inspired by a similar shot from Dorsky’s film Variations.

Mark Webber

Nathaniel Dorsky: European Tour

13 October 2004, 8pm
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
THRENODY, 2004, colour, silent, 20 mins
ALAYA, 1976-87, colour, silent, 28 mins
THE VISITATION, 2002, colour, silent, 18 mins

15 October 2004, 8pm
Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
VARIATIONS , 1992-98, colour, silent, 24 mins
ARBOR VITAE, 1999-2000, colour, silent, 28 mins
LOVE’S REFRAIN, 2000-01, colour, silent, 23 mins

21 October 2004, 6pm
Filmpodium, Zurich, Switzerland
THRENODY, 2004, colour, silent, 20 mins
ALAYA, 1976-87, colour, silent, 28 mins
THE VISITATION, 2002, colour, silent, 18 mins

31 October 2004, 4pm
London Film Festival, NFT, London, England
Devotional Cinema: A Lecture Screening
THRENODY, 2004, colour, silent, 20 mins
VARIATIONS , 1992-98, colour, silent, 24 mins
+ lecture and reading

8 November 2004, 7pm
Lux Salon, London, England
An extremely rare screening of films presented by Jerome Hiler, including new and previously unseen works. 

9 November 2004, 6:30pm
Tate Modern, London, England
THE VISITATION, 2002, colour, silent, 18 mins
ALAYA, 1976-87, colour, silent, 28 mins
ARBOR VITAE, 1999-2000, colour, silent, 28 mins

11-15 November 2004
OpFilm, de Balie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
THRENODY, 2004, colour, silent, 20 mins
ALAYA, 1976-87, colour, silent, 28 mins
THE VISITATION, 2002, colour, silent, 18 mins

European tour co-ordinated by Mark Webber. With thanks to the London Film Festival, Philippe-Alain Michaud, Christophe Bichon, Stuart Comer, Hannes Schupbach, Erwin van ‘t Hart, Ben Cook, Josh Siegel, Nathaniel Dorsky and Jerome Hiler.

Video Visions

Date: 30 October 2004 | Season: London Film Festival 2004 | Tags:

Saturday 30 October 2004, at 2pm
London National Film Theatre NFT3

fordbrothers, Preserving Cultural Traditions in a Period of Instability, Austria, 2004, 3 min
fordbrothers explode the visual field as a strangely familiar, but unidentified, voice rails against computer technology and modern society.

Fred Worden, Amongst the Persuaded, USA, 2004, 23 min
The digital revolution is coming, and an old-school film-maker is trying to come to terms with it. ‘The human susceptibility to self-delusion has, at least, this defining characteristic: Easy to spot in others, hard to see in oneself.’ (Fred Worden)

Didi Bruckmayr & Michael Strohmann, Ich Bin Traurig, Austria, 2004, 5 min
An aria for 3D modelling, transformed and decomposed using the cultural filters of opera and heavy metal.

Robin Dupuis, Anoxi, Canada, 2003, 4 min
Effervescent digital animation of vapours and particles.

Michaela Grill, Kilvo, Austria, 2004, 6 min
Minimal is maximal. A synaesthestic composition in black, white and grey.

Myriam Bessette, Nuée, Canada, 2003, 3 min
Bleached out bliss of dripping colour fields.

Jan van Nuenen, Set-4, Netherlands, 2003, 4 min
Endless late night cable television sports programmes, remixed into deep space: from inanity to infinity.

Robert Cauble, Alice in Wonderland Or Who Is Guy Debord?, USA, 2003, 23 min
Alice longs for a more exciting life away from Victorian England, but is she ready for the Society of the Spectacle? Conventional animation is subverted to tell the strange tale of Alice and the Situationists.


Poetry and Truth

Date: 30 October 2004 | Season: London Film Festival 2004 | Tags:

Saturday 30 October 2004, at 9pm
London National Film Theatre NFT3

Larry Jordan, Enid’s Idyll, USA, 2004, 17 min
An animated imagining of Arthurian romance based on Gustav Doré’s engraved illustrations for Tennyson’s ‘Idylls of the Kings’, accompanied by the music of Mahler’s ‘Resurrection Symphony’.

Julie Murray, I Began To Wish, USA, 2003, 5 min
Mysterious events unfold in a potting shed 
 A jewel of found footage, mysterious and profound beyond its imagery, and with an almost deafening aural presence, despite its lack of soundtrack.

Rebecca Meyers, Things We Want To See, USA, 2004, 7 min
An introspective work that obliquely measures the fragility of life against boundless forces of nature, such as Alaskan ice floes, the Aurora Borealis and magnetic storms.

Peter Kubelka, Dichtung Und Wahrheit, Austria, 2003, 13 min
In cinema, as in anthropological study, the ready-made can reveal some of the fundamental ‘poetry and truth’ of our lives. Kubelka has unearthed sequences of discarded takes from advertising and presents them, almost untouched, as documents that unwittingly offer valuable and humorous insights into the human condition.

Morgan Fisher, ( ), USA, 2003, 21 min
‘I wanted to make a film out of nothing but inserts, or shots that were close enough to being inserts, as a way of making them visible, to release them from their self-effacing performance of drudge-work, to free them from their servitude to story.’ (Morgan Fisher)

Ichiro Sueoka, T:O:U:C:H:O:F:E:V:I:L, Japan, 2003, 5 min
Like Fisher’s film, Sueoka’s video also uses cutaways, but this time the shots are from 60s spy dramas, and retain their soundtracks. Stroboscopically cut together, it becomes a strange brew, like mixing The Man from U.N.C.L.E with Paul Sharits’ T,O,U,C,H,I,N,G.

Bruce Conner, Luke, USA, 2004, 22 min
In 1967 Bruce Conner visited Dennis Hopper, Paul Newman and others on the set of Cool Hand Luke and shot a rarely seen roll of silent 8mm film of the production. Almost forty years later, he has returned to this footage and presents it at three frames per second, creating an almost elegiac record of that time. Patrick Gleeson, Conner’s collaborator on several previous films, has prepared an original soundtrack for this new work.


Los Angeles Plays Itself

Date: 31 October 2004 | Season: London Film Festival 2004 | Tags:

Sunday 31 October 2004, at 12pm
London National Film Theatre NFT3

Thom Andersen, Los Angeles Plays Itself, USA, 2003, 169 min
A remarkable documentary about cinema, an endlessly fascinating visual lecture and an important social commentary, Thom Andersen’s love letter to Los Angeles explores the city’s representation on film. With its relentless, mesmerising montage of clips and archive footage, the film explores how the Western centre of the film industry is actually portrayed on-screen. Divided into chapters that treat Los Angeles as – amongst other things – background, character and subject, the film revisits crucial landmarks (the steps up which Laurel & Hardy attempted to manoeuvre a piano in The Music Box, explores famous buildings (the Spanish Revival house in Double Indemnity, the cavernous Bradbury Building made famous by Blade Runner), and charts the city’s ‘secret’ history through such films as Chinatown, L.A. Confidential and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. As comfortable with softcore exploitation as it is with the avant-garde, Los Angeles Plays Itself is a cinematic treasure trove that makes one think again about a city that – as a movie location – has never seemed quite as romantic or exciting as New York. Indeed, the world around you may seem more mysterious and compelling after almost three hours well spent in Andersen’s company. And you’ll definitely never refer to Los Angeles as ‘L.A.’ again. (David Cox)

Also Screening: Thursday 28 October 2004, at 8:15pm London NFT1


Nathaniel Dorsky: Devotional Cinema

Date: 31 October 2004 | Season: London Film Festival 2004 | Tags:

Sunday 31 October 2004, at 4pm
London National Film Theatre NFT3


As an antidote to the frenetic pace and complexity of modern life, Nathaniel Dorsky’s films invite an audience to connect at a precious level of intimacy, nourishing both mind and spirit. His camera is drawn towards those transient moments of wonder that often pass unnoticed in daily life: jewelled refractions of sunlight on water, dappled shadows cast along the ground.

The films are photographed, non-narrative and have none of the visual trickery we might associate with the avant-garde. Dorsky’s work achieves a sensitive balance between humanity, nature and the ethereal, weaving together lyrical statements in a rhythmic cadence that creates space for private reflection. The world floods through the lens, onto the screen and into our minds.

In this lecture-screening of Variations (which provided the inspiration for the ‘most beautiful image’ sequence of American Beauty) and his new film Threnody, Dorsky discusses the qualities of cinema that attracted him to use the medium in such a poetic way, and will read from his recently published book ‘Devotional Cinema’. This is his first public appearance in the UK.

Nathaniel Dorsky, Variations, USA, 1992-98, 24 min
Nathaniel Dorsky, Threnody, USA, 2004, 20 min


Throw Your Watch to the Water

Date: 31 October 2004 | Season: London Film Festival 2004 | Tags:

Sunday 31 October 2004, at 7pm
London National Film Theatre NFT3

Eugeni Bonet, Tira Tu Reloj al Agua (Throw Your Watch to the Water), Spain, 2004, 91 min
JosĂ© Val del Omar (1904-82), one of the pioneers of European avant-garde film, remains virtually unknown outside of Spain. His visionary Triptico Elemental de España (1953-61) embodies the soul, landscape and diverse cultural mix of his Andalucian homeland, connecting life on our planet with the elementary forces of the universe. Using material shot by the film-maker between 1968-82, Eugeni Bonet has assembled Throw Your Watch to the Water, whose images, ranging from documentary to complete abstraction, mark the passage from the earthly world to a transcendental plane. The film opens in the Alhambra, detailing the intricate Moorish architecture, pulsing fountains and activities of the local people. The ancient citadel, at first serene and regal, is overrun by the transparent bodies of tourists, whilst the ‘videoterrorifico mirror’ of television reflects the frenzy of modern media. Val del Omar envisaged a ‘cinematic vibration’ that would be the vertex of his life’s work, and this film, in which images and thoughts flow free of time, is a meta-mystical allegory that seeks a unity between the spiritual realm, the ancient world and contemporary life.

Also Screening: Saturday 30 October 2004, at 8:30pm, London ICA2


Drift Studies

Date: 31 October 2004 | Season: London Film Festival 2004 | Tags:

Sunday 31 October 2004, at 9pm
London National Film Theatre NFT3

Nicky Hamlyn, Water, Water, UK, 2004, 11 min
Reflections and refractions of light, alternated in hard, optical flicker and gliding dissolves.

Emily Richardson, Aspect, UK, 2004, 9 min
A time-lapse chronicle of the modulation of natural light, from high above the canopy of trees to the filtered rays on the forest floor.

Peter Hutton, Skagasfjördur, USA, 2004, 35 min
Photographic study of the mists, clouds and extraordinary landscapes of the mysterious land of the sagas. Peter Hutton has fixed his camera on the awesome panoramas of Iceland and created a monumental film, which records the subtle luminosity of the region and its dramatic atmospheric conditions.

Yuiko Matsuyama, Flower, Japan, 2004, 6 min
The meandering flow of china ink, suspended in water, opens up a microcosmic world of Brownian motion.

Bart Vegter, Zwerk, Netherlands, 2004, 8 min
An abstract, computer-generated work produced by using mathematical formulae to create complex interference patterns in colour tinted layers.

JĂŒrgen Reble, Arktis – Zwischen Licht und Dunkel, Germany, 2003, 32 min
This new video is a surprising departure for Reble, who is best known for his alchemical treatment of celluloid. Digitally processed, it transforms shots of the arctic landscape, drawn from education films and travelogues, into a virtual fantasy world illuminated by the hallucinatory half-light of evening.


Reverence: The Films of Owen Land: 1

Date: 25 January 2005 | Season: Owen Land | Tags: ,

January 2005—April 2007
International Tour

With Fleming Faloon and Film in Which There Appear, Owen Land was one of the first artists to draw attention to the filmstrip itself. Films like Remedial Reading Comprehension and Institutional Quality question the illusionary nature of cinema through the use of word play and visual ambiguity. By using the language of educational films he proposes an alternative logic for a medium that has become over theorised and manipulated He often parodies avant-garde film itself, mocking his contemporaries by alluding to their work (and previous films of his own), and also by imitating the serious approach of film scholars. On the Marriage Broker Joke manages to combine Japanese marketing executives, pandas, Little Richard, Liberace and Freud.

Owen Land, Remedial Reading Comprehension, 1970, 5 min
Owen Land, Fleming Faloon, 1963, 5 min
Owen Land, Film in Which There Appear Edge Lettering, Sprocket Holes, Dirt Particles, Etc., 1965-66, 4 min
Owen Land, Bardo Follies, 1967-76, 25 min
Owen Land, What’s Wrong With This Picture 1, 1971, 5 min
Owen Land, What’s Wrong With This Picture 2, 1972, 7 min
Owen Land, Institutional Quality, 1969, 5 min
Owen Land, On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed ?, 1977-79, 18 min