Mark Webber is an independent curator of avant-garde and artists’ film & video who has been responsible for screenings and events at institutions such as Tate Modern, BFI Southbank, ICA and Barbican Centre (London), Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Kunsthalle Basel, Xcentric (CCCB Barcelona), Australian Centre for the Moving Image (Melbourne), Oberhausen Kurzfilmtage, IFFR Rotterdam and many other international festivals, museums and art centres. He was a programmer for the BFI London Film Festival from 2000-12, and a senior research fellow at the University of the Arts London from 2006-10. In 2014, he founded The Visible Press to publish books on artists’ film and writings by filmmakers. Mark Webber is the editor of “Two Films by Owen Land” (LUX / Österreichisches Filmmuseum, 2005), “Film as Film: The Collected Writings of Gregory J. Markopoulos” (The Visible Press, 2014), “Shoot Shoot Shoot: The First Decade of the London Film-Makers’ Co-operative 1966-1976” (LUX, 2016), “Slow Writing: Thom Andersen on Cinema” (The Visible Press, 2017), “The Afterimage Reader” (The Visible Press, 2022), and co-editor of “Peter Gidal. Flare Out: Aesthetics 1966–2016” (The Visible Press, 2016).
Mark is also a member of the band Pulp. His book “I’m With Pulp Are You” was published by Hat and Beard Press in September 2024.
Forthcoming projects include :-
Critical Mass: An Oral History of Avant-Garde Film, The New American Cinema and Beyond. A book and research project on the development of avant-garde cinema from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Peter Kubelka: Tasting the Universe. The first English-language book on the renowned Austrian filmmaker, curator and polymath.
An archive of screenings and events curated by Mark Webber is now online and can be viewed by following the links on the right of this page. Click here to view a list of selected projects from 1997 to 2024. And here for a bibliography of published writing.