Sleepless Nights Stories

Date: 22 October 2011 | Season: London Film Festival 2011 | Tags:

Saturday 22 October 2011, at 9pm
London BFI Southbank NFT3

Jonas Mekas, Sleepless Nights Stories, USA, 2011, 114 min
Jonas Mekas’ opening confession that he suffers from insomnia will come as no surprise to anyone aware of his singular contribution to cinema. Over 50 years he has established and promoted a viable culture for truly independent and avant-garde filmmaking, and his recent acceptance by the art world has brought a long overdue wave of attention and success. Sleepless Nights Stories is the latest in the series of long-form diary films that Mekas has been making since his arrival in the USA in 1949. Eating, drinking, singing and dancing with friends, the tireless octogenarian is full of life and wonder, casually weaving together contemporary folk tales collected during travels across the globe. Marina Abramovic fantasizes about domesticity, Lee Stringer recounts an episode from his crack-addicted past, and the protagonist toasts the ‘working class voice’ of Amy Winehouse. Marina Abramovic, Björk, Harmony Korine and Patti Smith also appear. Treating significant and inconsequential moments with equal import, Mekas’ modern day saga presents the first episodes from his ambitious ‘1001 Nights’ project. (Mark Webber)

Also Screening: Tuesday 18 October 2011, at 9pm, VUE3
& Thursday 20 October 2011, at 7pm, BFI Studio


PLENTY 12: Dichtung und Wahrheit

Date: 2 November 2011 | Season: Plenty | Tags:

Tuesday 2 November 2011, at 7pm
London E:vent Gallery

The screening series PLENTY proposes a new way of looking at artists’ films by showing only a single work, regardless of its duration. Each film is given the freedom to unfold on its own terms, and the viewer is given the time and space to consider it.

Peter Kubelka, Austria, 2003, 16mm, colour, silent, 13 min
In cinema, as in anthropological study, the ready-made reveal ssome of the fundamental poetry and truth of our lives. Peter Kubelka unearthed sequences of discarded takes from advertising films and presents them, almost untouched, as documents that unwittingly offer valuable and humorous insights into the human condition.

“Peter Kubelka is the world’s greatest filmmaker – which is to say, simply: see his films! 
 by all means/above all else 
 et cetera.” (Stan Brakhage)

Peter Kubelka (born 1933) is an artist, anthropologist, cook and teacher. Active as a filmmaker over five decades, his total output amounts to some sixty-two minutes of screen time in which he explores the essential qualities of cinema.

PLENTY, a free monthly screening series selected by Mark Webber, forms part of the “Brief Habits” programme curated by Shama Khanna.

Monument Film Installation

Date: 10 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags: ,

Wednesday 10 – Sunday 21 October 2012
London BFI Southbank Atrium

Peter Kubelka, Monument Film, Austria, 2012, film installation
Kubelka first presented film as a three dimensional sculptural object in 1958. As an integral part of his new work Monument Film, the celluloid filmstrips of Arnulf Rainer (1960) and Antiphon (2012) will be exhibited on the walls of the Atrium at BFI Southbank, making manifest the relationship between space, time, and the physical material which runs through the projector.

Admission Free. Open from 12pm to 9pm daily.

Occupy the Cinema

Date: 11 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags:

Thursday 11 October 2012, at 8pm
London ICA Cinema 1

Ben Russell & Guillaume Cailleau, Austerity Measures, Greece, 2012, 9 min
Athens at crisis point: a colour-separation portrait of the Exarchia neighbourhood during the anti-austerity protests.

Ken Jacobs, Seeking the Monkey King, USA, 2011, 40 min
Amid the hypnotic, flickering motion of a metallic terrain, vitriolic onscreen texts rail against American culpability, from the Revolution to Iraq to the present administration. Each statement casts an arrow, and J.G. Thirlwell’s monstrously cinematic score drives them home.

Brad Butler & Karen Mirza, Deep State, UK, 2012, 44 min
‘An audacious, semi-fantastical secret history of the counterforces of popular protest and clandestine control, this struggle is told through archive material, contemporary footage and future speculation.’
A direct development of the filmmakers’ visit to Cairo prior to the Tahrir Square uprising, Deep State was commissioned by Film & Video Umbrella, and made in collaboration with author China MiĂ©ville.


Fragments of Kubelka

Date: 13 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags: ,

Saturday 13 October 2012, at 1pm
London ICA Cinema 1

Martina KudlĂĄcek, Fragments of Kubelka, Austria, 2012, 232 min
In this extended portrait, Peter Kubelka speaks at length about his life, work and interests, drawing on a vast range of knowledge and experience. Active as a filmmaker since the 1950s, Kubelka’s acclaimed cinematic works are only one aspect of his dynamic personality. In his legendary public lectures, he holds forth on a variety of disciplines including film, music, archaeology and cooking. He has also played an important institutional role in establishing the Austrian Film Museum, and as co-founder of Anthology Film Archives, for whom he designed an ideal viewing theatre known as the Invisible Cinema. Martina Kudlácek (known for previous documentaries on Maya Deren and Marie Menken) immersed herself in Kubelka’s world for several years, researching historical footage, recording lectures, and perhaps most importantly, filming him at home surrounded by his eclectic collection of anthropological objects. In these precious sequences, Fragments of Kubelka provides extraordinary insight in conveying his philosophy on life and art.


On Venom and Eternity

Date: 19 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags:

Friday 19 October 2012, at 6:30pm
London BFI Southbank NFT 3

Isidore Isou, TraitĂ© de bave et d’éternitĂ©, France, 1951, 120 min (new print)
The first and only film by the founder of the French Lettrist movement begins with a warning: ‘Dear spectators, you are about to see a discrepant film. No refunds will be given.’ Advocating for the rupture of language and photography, Isou expects the spectator to ‘leave the cinema blind, his ears crushed, both torn asunder by the disjunction of word and image’. At the 1951 Cannes Festival, where TraitĂ© received its first pubic screening, it won the admiration of Guy Debord and Jean Cocteau, who wondered if it would take 50 years before its radical aesthetics could be understood. The Lettrists believed the development of cinema had been stalled by the domination of the studio system. In order for a new cinema to emerge, it had first to be destroyed – symbolically and physically – by bleaching and scratching the images, and by replacing soundtracks with abrasive concrete poetry and enraged tirades.


Nathaniel Dorsky & Jerome Hiler

Date: 20 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags:

Saturday 20 October 2012, at 2pm
London BFI Southbank NFT 3

While others bemoan the end of celluloid, Nathaniel Dorsky – whose work has become an annual highlight of the festival over the past decade – continues apace, more productive now than ever. His carefully considered practice has this year created works of great beauty from a period of sorrow. This screening of two new films will be complemented by rarely exhibited work by his companion Jerome Hiler.

Nathaniel Dorsky, August and After, USA, 2012, 19 min
‘After a lifetime, two mutual friends, George Kuchar and Carla Liss, passed away during the same period of time.’ (ND)

Nathaniel Dorsky, April, USA, 2012, 26 min
‘Following a period of trauma and grief, the world around me once again declared itself in the form of one of the loveliest springs I can ever remember in San Francisco. April is intended as a companion piece for August and After, and is partly funded by a gift from Carla Liss.’ (ND)

Jerome Hiler, Words of Mercury, USA, 2011, 25 min
Jerome Hiler, who shares Dorsky’s heightened sense of wonder at the world around him, builds sensuous layers of superimposition at the moment of shooting. A most private filmmaker, whose primary craft is the less transient medium of stained glass, he has until recently only shown his work as camera originals, thus limiting their public visibility. His inclusion in the latest Whitney Biennial prompted this first digital transfer.


Two Architecture Studies

Date: 20 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags:

Saturday 20 October 2012, at 4pm
London BFI Southbank NFT 3

Catalina Niculescu, Along the Lines, UK-Romania, 2011, 16 min
On a trip to her native Romania, the artist’s interest in architectural forms prompted a visual investigation into how decorative and structural motifs recur in buildings from the traditional to the modern.

Thom Andersen, ReconversĂŁo, Portugal, 2012, 65 min
Invited to film in Portugal on the occasion of the Vila do Conde festival’s 20th anniversary, Thom Andersen chose to document building projects by Eduardo Souto de Moura, whose work combines modernist aesthetics with traces of the architectural history of his sites. Incorporating local materials with contemporary building techniques, his clean concrete lines harmonise with natural elements and traditional stone walls. Influenced in equal measure by Mies van der Rohe and minimal sculptors such as Judd and Morris, Souta de Moura’s achievements include meticulous linear houses, the Porto subway network, and the monumental Braga Stadium, which rises out of the earth beside a mountain of imposing granite. This leisurely film features 17 such projects and culminates in a conversation between the filmmaker and the distinguished architect.


Rites of Passage

Date: 20 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags:

Saturday 20 October 2012, at 9pm
London BFI Southbank NFT 3

Steve Reinke, Great Blood Sacrifice, USA, 2010, 4 min
‘Whatever is going on on top, there’s a precise machine at work below, and this machine is digging little grooves, and these grooves slowly join together and become the conduits by which all meaning is drained from the world.’ (SR)

Hayoun Kwon, Manque de preuves, South Korea-France, 2011, 10 min
To cleanse his village of demons, the chief of a Nigerian tribe plans to sacrifice his twin sons. One escapes and flees to Europe, where his application for asylum is dismissed through lack of material proof. Using his testimony as the basis, Kwon proposes an animated depiction of his account.

Gabriel Abrantes, Birds, Portugal-Haiti, 2012, 17 min
Pagan folk myth is juxtaposed with ancient Greek comedy as three Haitian girls witness disparate forms of storytelling. An old man tells the tale of his wife’s transformation into a goat. In a local village, an elaborately costumed theatre group performs Aristophanes’ Birds in the original Attic language.

Ben Russell & Jim Drain, Ponce de LeĂłn, USA, 2012, 26 min
‘Our Ponce de León is an immortal for whom time poses the greatest dilemma – it is a constant, a given, and his personal battle lies in trying to either arrest time entirely or to make the hands on his clock move ever faster. For Ponce de León, time is a problem of body, and only by escaping his container can he escape time itself.’ (BR)

Ben Russell, River Rites, USA-Suriname, 2011, 12 min
‘Trance dance and water implosion.’ A constantly moving camera passes through a complex choreography of bodies engaged in rituals of work and play along the Upper Suriname River.


Where the Magic Happens

Date: 21 October 2012 | Season: London Film Festival 2012 | Tags:

Sunday 21 October 2012, at 7pm
London BFI Southbank NFT 3

Peter Miller, Ten Minutiae, Germany, 2012, 5 min
A series of brief exercises in cinematographic magic.

Shumona Goel & Shai Heredia, I am Micro, India, 2011, 15 min
‘Shot in an abandoned optics factory and centred on the activities of a low budget film crew, I am Micro is an experimental essay about filmmaking, the medium of film, and the spirit of making independent cinema.’ (SG/SH)

Kevin Jerome Everson, Rita Larson’s Boy, USA, 2012, 11 min
In one of a trilogy of works based on personalities from the filmmaker’s parents’ hometown, actors audition for the role of sitcom character Rollo Larson. As they attempt to inhabit the character, subtle variations in delivery bring a hypnotic dimension to disconnected lines and repetitive actions.

Erin Espelie, True-Life Adventure, USA, 2012, 4 min
Espelie trains her camera on the myriad life forms that coexist within a small area around a mountain creek. ‘When nature writes the screenplays, she doesn’t abide by crescendos.’ (EE)

Nick Collins, Dark Garden, UK, 2011, 9 min
Contours of light define the flowers and plants of a winter garden, filmed against the black expanse of the night sky.

Robert Todd, Within, USA, 2012, 9 min
‘A film that sustains a complex condition: keeping the inner world alive as the camera looks ‘out’ upon the world.’ (RT)

David Gatten, By Pain and Rhyme and Arabesques of Foraging, USA, 2012, 8 min
An ‘experiment touching colours’ inspired by 17th Century scientist Robert Boyle, bringing together exquisite images shot over a 13-year period. Its title, from a sonnet by Jorie Graham, encapsulates the process and infers its poetic consequence.

Ben Rivers, The Creation As We Saw It, UK-Vanuatu, 2012, 14 min
Unexpectedly given the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, Ben Rivers chose Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Amidst the villages and landscapes of this remote archipelago, he sought out the creation myths and folktales of a distant culture.

Erin Espelie will give a talk and screening at The Natural History Museum on Mon 22 Oct 2012, at 2:30pm.