Hit the Road

Date: 23 October 2010 | Season: London Film Festival 2010 | Tags:

Saturday 23 October 2010, at 9pm
London BFI Southbank NFT3

Duncan Campbell, Make It New John, UK, 2009, 50 min
The story of the DeLorean car and its notorious entrepreneur’s Northern Ireland venture, assembled from found and reconstructed footage. During a momentous period in the province’s history, the manufacture of this futuristic vehicle was beset by its own troubles – governmental pacts, an inexperienced workforce and allegations of misconduct. This insightful film, with its Pinteresque finale concerning the plight of the workers, raises questions on documentary form and the representation of historical events.

Thom Andersen, Get Out of the Car, USA, 2010, 34 min
Andersen’s latest homage to Los Angeles takes time to stop and consider the temporary architecture of roadside billboards, community murals and hand-painted signs. A movie about the ephemeral sights of the city, with a rocking soundtrack of local music and the confused interjections of passers-by.

Also Screening: Tuesday 26 October 2010, at 2pm, NFT3