Tony Conrad

Date: 13 June 2008 | Season: Tony Conrad | Tags:

13—15 June 2008
London Tate Modern

Tony Conrad is a pivotal figure in contemporary culture. His multi-faceted contributions since the 1960s have influenced and redefined music, filmmaking, minimalism, performance, video and conceptual art. Known for his groundbreaking film The Flicker, his involvement in the Theatre of Eternal Music and the evolution of the Velvet Underground, and collaborations with a host of luminaries including Jack Smith, John Cale, Mike Kelley and Henry Flynt, Conrad remains a radical figure who challenges our understanding of art history. This special weekend at Tate Modern will feature a major new performance for the Turbine Hall and screenings of Conrad’s extraordinary film and video work.

Curated by Stuart Comer, Alice Koegel and Mark Webber. Assistant Curator Vanessa Desclaux.

With thanks to Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne; Ed Carter, Lumen/Evolution; Tracey Ferguson; Florian Härle; Tony Herrington, The Wire; Branden W. Joseph; Christophe Kniel and Ilja Mess; Neil Lagden; Elliot Landy; David Leister; Marie Losier; Eric Namour, [no.signal]; Jay Sanders, Greene Naftali Gallery, New York; Chloë Stewart; Ann Twiselton, MIT Press; Steve Wald; Richard Whitelaw, Sonic Arts Network.