Star Spangled to Death

Date: 2 November 2008 | Season: Ken Jacobs | Tags: ,

Sunday 2 November 2008, 2pm-10pm
London Chisenhale Gallery

A free screening of Star Spangled to Death, Ken Jacobs’ episodic indictment of American politics, religion, war, racism and stupidity, timed to coincide with the US election and the end of the Bush regime. Starring Richard Nixon, Nelson Rockefeller, Mickey Mouse, Al Jolson and a cast of thousands.

Ken Jacobs, Star Spangled to Death,1957-59/2004, USA, 400 min
Jacobs’ extraordinary epic combines whole found films, documentaries, newsreels, musicals and cartoons with improvised performances by the legendary Jack Smith and Jerry Sims. Together they picture a dangerously sold-out America where racial and religious prejudice, the monopolisation of wealth and an addiction to war are opposed by Beat generation irreverence.

Star Spangled to Death will be shown with several intermissions. Refreshments available, or bring a packed lunch and a cushion!

Presented by Whitechapel at the Chisenhale, in collaboration with Mark Webber, and Firefly. An online exhibition at from 1 October to 30 November 2008 includes a selection of 20 complete or excerpted works by Ken Jacobs, dating from 1956 to the present.