Ride the Light

Date: 11 September 2004 | Season: Expanded Cinema 2004 | Tags: ,

Saturday 11 September 2004, at 3pm
Dortmund PhoenixHalle

Recoder & Gibson, Ride the Light, 2004, c.60 min, multi-projection performance
Working individually and in collaboration as presstapes, Luis Recoder and Sandra Gibson explore the canvas of the filmstrip with the medium of light, manipulating both exposure and projection. For part of this performance, a regular power switch will be used to manually flicker, strobe, and flash forth a unique cinematic phenomenon.

Recoder & Gibson, Fourfold, 2001-04, c.7 min, 4 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Color Test, 2003, 5 min, 3 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Override, 2004, c.9 min, 2 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Ribbon, 2003, 6 min, 4 projector performance
Recoder & Gibson, Alignments for Linea, 2002-04, c.19 min, 2 projector performance

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