Crib & Sift

Date: 11 September 2004 | Season: Expanded Cinema 2004 | Tags: ,

Saturday 11 September 2004, at 8pm
Dortmund PhoenixHalle

Bruce McClure, Crib & Sift, 2001-04, c.90 min, projection performance with adapted projectors
Bruce McClure’s light performances are constructed on the screen using 2 or 4 specially modified projectors.  His work “activates cinematic potential, omitting the artistic error of the camera eye, favouring the fugitive chiaroscuro in the automatic theatre of the brain’s emulsion. The programme will manifest the projector as the primary utensil in an enfilade of scotopic visions requisitioned and apportioned according to its rotary on-off swing.”

Bruce McClure, Crossfades, 2003, 13 min, 3 projector performance
Bruce McClure, Circle Jerks, 2002, 16 min, 4 projector performance
Bruce McClure, Presepio, 2003, 16 min, 4 projector performance
Bruce McClure, You Know My Methods, 2003, 15 min, 2 projector performance
Bruce McClure, Double Incident, 2004. 15 min, 4 projector performance

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